we at ecoEvents vancouver decided to track another vancouver-based planning event program to gauge the popularity and range of local sustainable event planning. we used monitter to check out what people are saying about ubc’s sustainability green event planning on twitter. and wow, are people talking... here is just a sample of some of the items we saw:
RT @SustainUBC "Cute Cats & the Arab Spring: When Social Media Meets Social Change" Lecture at #UBC Chan Nov 20 http://t.co/P5eY1S6B
StJohnsUBC- RT @gdcbc: Have you seen the brand new & #super-sustainable #CIRS at UBC? Check it out this Friday at #PRACTIVISM @SustainUBC http://t.co/Yr3GqJur
ubclibrary - UBC opens North America’s ‘greenest’ building to advance #sustainability research and innovation ow.ly/7u8Qu @SustainUBC
ACUPCC - @SustainUBC Is it #sustainable that #Walmart and others drive political agendas? http://t.co/7HjrkShw #UBC's view?
hamishms - @SustainUBC #Wal-Mart spends $500 million a year researching and implementing energy-efficient technology; 0.1% of its net income.
hamishms - @SustainUBC @ubcfarm does #UBC have a long-term land use plan for the farm? Condos or farm land in 10 years?
hamishms - RT @ubcnews: Canadian Architect features #UBC's new Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability http://t.co/l70i1rSM #CIRS @SustainUBC
myeverydayearth - RT @sustainubc: Hate or love Walmart, its green roof technlgy is advancing civic sustainable blgs. http://t.co/ogYdgkKD #CIRS
LiveSmartBCca - 186 tickets left. please RT this: http://t.co/YUNZTxxE @jritch @commonenergyubc @chancentre @ubcbookstore @sauderISIS @UBCevents @sustainUBC
gord_katic - RT @ubcfarm: Congrats 2011 grads of #UBC Farm Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture. Say hello to your future #farmers! http://t.co/tsQcYM0j
from the monitter results, people seem very passionate about ubc's sustainability program and they are utilizing twitter as an opportunity to promote sustainable events and to inform, educate and ask questions about sustainability practices. fantastic!
what do you use twitter for? information gathering? to promote sustainability? or maybe it's just a way of sharing your thoughts? let us know!